




vsftpd 2.2.2

标签vsftpd  2009-11-19 08:50
vsftpd 是一个类UNIX操作系统上运行的服务器的名字,它可以运行在诸如 Linux, BSD, Solaris, HP-UX 以及 IRIX 上面。它支持很多其他的 FTP 服务器不支持的特征。vsftpd 的名字代表"very secure FTP daemon", 安全是它的开发者 Chris Evans 考虑的首要问题之一。在这个 FTP 服务器设计开发的最开始的时候,高安全性就是一个目标。


Nov 2009 - vsftpd-2.2.2 released

  • vsftpd-2.2.2 is released - with a fix for a regression where heavily loaded sites could see the occasional client get kicked out just after connect. This regression is believed to be introduced in v2.1.0, affecting the inbuilt listener mode.
  • Please refer to the v2.2.2 Changelog and vsftpd FAQ (frequently asked questions) for a list of common questions!
  • After numerous requests, I now have a PayPal button for donations. If you use vsftpd, like it, and think it's worthy of a donation, then click on the Paypal button on the left of the page.
  • ftp.freebsd.org switched to vsftpd.
  • vsftpd tarballs are now GPG signed by me.

Changes: Most notably, a regression was fixed in the built-in listener. Under heavy load, new FTP sessions could sometimes get disconnected right way. This is now fixed. If you saw "OOPS: child died" just after connecting, it was likely this bug.
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